Our Programs

Back Injury Help

Is a back or other injury limiting what you can do? Are you ready to get your life back? Let us help.


Physical Conditioning

This intense workout was designed by a team of top conditioning experts and defensive tactics instructors known for building fighters. The Krav Maga conditioning program uses cardio, heavy bag work and sports conditioning techniques to burn fat and tone muscle.


Personal Mastery Training

 I’m in the Apprentice Program with Inner Matrix Systems --a company that focuses on personal mastery training for high achievers-- to become a certified IM Trainer.


Energy Sessions

Energy Sessions are conducted by a certified energy practitioners and are designed to balance the body's natural energy physiology, inviting deep relaxation and access to higher states of being. During your session, you will be asked to lie on your back on a massage table. Once you are comfortable, you are invited to simply relax, close your eyes and receive.



Steve has been a subject matter expert for about 20 years in dealing with all of the subtleties of any challenges someone might have when changing their eating habits. Whether it's for weight loss, weight gain, injury, or medical challenges, Steve has had remarkable success with many, many people.


“It’s incredible how the human body is. That it can go beyond the everydayness of life; That it can be extraordinary and powerful, and harbor a spirit of hope and pure will.”

— Lynne Cox

Get in touch.

If you have any questions, please send us a message and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.