Back Injury Help


So, let me see if this sounds familiar…

You wake up in the morning and it takes you 10 to 15 minutes for you to just get your body moving properly. You can hardly do any of the things you used to do because of the nagging pain. You’ve gone to your doctor, an orthopedic surgeon, a neurologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, chiropractor, acupuncturist, witch doctor, etc. and nothing seems to help.

Sound familiar? You get an X-ray, MRI, etc. and the doctor tells you, “Well, we really don’t see anything”. Then they prescribe rest, medication (pills, shots) and physical therapy and it feels good for about a week or so and then it goes right back to normal. Sometimes it’s even worse.

Unfortunately, this is typical

  • My non-surgical, and drug-free treatments, are an effective alternative to harmful drugs, injections, and dangerous surgeries.

  • Drugs and surgery are not your only options. Living in pain is not your only option.

  • Beyond the physical pain that you live with is the emotional stress of not being as active as you used to be...the frustration of no longer being able to experience life to its fullest...the disappointment from missing out on so much and not knowing how to fix it.


Help is here.

At my seminar I explain:

How the body is designed to work.

Bone structure alignment.

How muscles work.

How to train properly.

Why you have injures.

How to not make it worse.

How and why the body protects itself when injured.

How to recondition the back.

Dispelling “Fix It” myths.

What does a martial arts guy know about relieving your back pain? 

Unlike most the doctors, surgeons or therapists you’ve seen, I’ve actually experienced this pain personally and fixed it myself. I didn’t just learn about it in a book. I have lived it! So I know exactly what you’re going through and how to help you. While in the Air Force I started having severe back pain. The pain became so debilitating that I was taken off of Flight Status (I was in an elite airborne unit) which in my career field was tantamount to having my job taken away.

In 1989 I had major reconstructive back surgery. I had two broken vertebrae (L4 and L5) and my spinal cord was being pinched which created shooting pains down the back of my right leg, 40% feeling loss in that leg and back seizures where my entire back from my shoulder blades to my waist would just lock up like a giant cramp. I couldn’t sit for more than five minutes without having to walk around or lay down. I was prescribed large amounts of pain medication every day but the pain continued to get worse. To make matters worse I was misdiagnosed for almost two years.

So understand, I’ve been through what you’ve been through. I went through this for many years until I decided to find a way to fix it myself. My journey took me through times of immense pain and frustration, finding things that worked for a while and then didn’t until I whittled down all the information I had accumulated to come up with a simple system of fixing it that actually worked.

STEVE WOOLRIDGE has more than 30 years of martial arts and teaching experience, as well as six years of military service. He currently owns & operates Steve Woolridge’s Krav Maga & Fitness Center in Merriam, KS.


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